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LAMICOLOR Italy - 5025 Flash

HD 294408 ABS Edge Oxid Copperbronze

Dimensions :
23x1mm, 33x1mm, 43x1mm, 43x2mm, 340x1mm
Other dimensions on request.

Plasnor - PL50251 High Gloss

HSE 101298 ABS Edge with Acrylic Foil White Smooth Gloss 90° Hot-Air

Dimensions :
23x1mm AdvE, 45x1mm Gloss 90° AdvE
Other dimensions on request.

HSE 101298 ABS Edge with Acrylic Foil White Smooth Gloss 90°

Dimensions :
23x1mm HG 90°, 45x1mm HG 90°, 405x1mm HG 90°
Other dimensions on request.

Plasnor - PL50251 Matt

HU 101570 ABS Edge White Smooth Matt

Dimensions :
22x1mm MATT, 23x1mm MATT, 33x1mm MATT, 43x1mm MATT, 275x1mm MATT
Other dimensions on request.

RAL - 5025

HU 15532 ABS Edge Blue Pearl XG

Dimensions :
23x1mm, 23x2mm, 33x2mm
Other dimensions on request.